VACCINE CHECK. Dr. Philbert Malaluan (left), the North Cotabato Inter-Agency Task Force head, and Dr. Eva Rabaya (center), chief of the Integrated Provincial Health Office, check on the arrival of at least 4,910 AstraZeneca vaccines in Kidapawan City on Monday (March 15, 2021). The vaccines (inset) will be immediately distributed to 42 healthcare front-liners in public and private hospitals in the province. (Photo courtesy of NoCot PIO)

KIDAPAWAN CITY--The North Cotabato provincial government received Monday the 4,910 AstraZeneca anti-coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) doses from the Department of Health -Region 12, which are intended for medical front-liners in public and private hospitals in the area.

Dr. Philbert Malaluan, the provincial Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) head, said the vaccines would be distributed to 42 Covid-19 referral and non-referral health facilities in this city and 18 towns of the province.

DOH-12 said the hospitals that are due to receive the vaccines in this city included the Kidapawan Medical Specialists Center, Inc. (465), Cotabato Provincial Hospital (330), Kidapawan Doctors Hospital, Inc. (328), Midsayap Diagnostic Center and Hospital (194), Dr. Amado Diaz Provincial Foundation Hospital (155) and the Madonna General Hospital (155) - all Covid-19 referral facilities.

Other hospitals here set to receive the vaccines are the Midway Hospital, Dizon Hospital and Medical Center, Manuel Hospital, and the United Doctors Hospital of Kidapawan.

“Across the province, 32 other hospitals are also set to receive the vaccines today, Monday,” Malaluan said.

He said the next batch in the priority list of vaccine recipients are personnel from the Temporary Treatment and Monitoring Facilities where Covid-19 patients are quarantined.

“Next in line are personnel from the city and municipal health offices and BHERTs (Barangay Health Emergency Response Teams) comprising the barangay chairmen and barangay health workers,” he said.

Early this month, the province received at least 1,076 Sinovac vaccines for medical front-liners in five Covid-19 referral facilities in the province. (PNA)