Cagayan de Oro City Councilor Edgar Cabanlas (center) during a council session. (File photo courtesy of CDO City Council)

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – The local government through the City Council is considering enforcing its police power and seeking legal remedies in addressing water supply issues.

Second District Councilor Edgar Cabanlas said he will lead an ad hoc committee meeting on Thursday to discuss possible measures that will protect consumers of the city government-run Cagayan de Oro Water District (COWD) and its third-party bulk water supplier, the Cagayan de Oro Bulk Water Incorporated (COBI).

"We may enforce expropriation on this matter, initiated by our local government, so we can assume control in its operations," Cabanlas said in a statement Tuesday.

Over the weekend, a growing concern about the city’s water supply resurfaced when an interruption of service in some communities took about 72 hours.

A "notice of disconnection" from COBI to COWD was received by the Office of the City Mayor on March 1, showing an outstanding balance of PHP426.8 million.

Cabanlas was also appointed to lead the technical working group by Mayor Rolando Uy to probe the unforeseen delay of water interruption in some villages.

Second District Councilor James Judith said while unpaid debts of COWD have yet to be settled, filing a temporary restraining order may be sought to continue the service to consumers.

Uy said while public anger over the delayed repairs done by COBI is understandable, what angered city residents was that they were not told about the extent of the problem.

"We were told about the repairs, and we’re used to expecting that it was a minor problem," he said.

COBI is relocating isolation valves which were affected by the ongoing flood control project of the Department of Public Works and Highways.

At least 26 villages were affected.

During the interruption, Uy ordered the deployment of two of water tankers and instructed the City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Department and the Bureau of Fire Protection station to deploy tankers. (PNA)