VIOLATORS. The Social Security System issues notices of violations to erring owners of a school and clothing, retail goods and auto repair shops in Baguio City on Tuesday (March 26, 2024). SSS-Baguio head Nancy Umoso said the notices were served to ensure that employees receive their benefits. (PNA photo by Liza T. Agoot)

BAGUIO CITY – The Social Security System (SSS) here warned employers to ensure compliance since it is firm on running against violators.

To date, 13 have been issued notices of violations.

Lawyer Duches Venero Anselmo of the SSS Luzon North 1 cluster said those issued with notices are operating a school and clothing, retail goods, and auto repair shops.

“In the event of non-compliance with the (initial) notice we sent them, we conduct another visit which is this RACE (Run After Contribution Evaders) operation,” he said on the sidelines of the violation notice issuance to the erring school.

Anselmo said all businesses are mandated to register with SSS because “what we do is for the protection of the employees.”

“To protect them in the event of sickness, disability, maternity or even death,” he said.

Nancy Umoso, SSS-Baguio head, said in a separate interview that branches nationwide have been tasked to serve a minimum of five violation orders per month.

“Employers should report the hiring of an employee within 30 days from the first day of employment. They are given 30 days to pay without any penalty. After that, they are charged two percent of the salary of the worker,” she said.

There are more than 10,000 employer-members and 60,000 employees, including self-employed and voluntary members, registered with SSS-Baguio. (PNA)