SMART TRANSPORTATION. Taiwanese telco provider Chunghwa Telecom presents its smart transportation innovations utilizing cellular vehicle probe data to monitor real-time traffic situations in roads during the 5G + AI Solution Expo Tour for the international media held at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center on March 20, 2024 . The exhibit is part of the Smart City Summit and Expo 2024 which provided Taiwan the platform to promote its diverse range of smart city and net-zero city initiatives as it transforms into a tech island. (PNA photo by Aerol John Pateña)


TAIPEI, Taiwan – Various information and communication technology companies in Taiwan showcased their various applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and 5G technologies as the island positions itself to be a smart city powerhouse during the recent 2024 Smart City Summit and Expo (SCSE) held in the Taiwanese capital.

The exhibit was aimed at highlighting the importance of these technologies in addressing various concerns such as transportation, health care, environment sustainability, among others.

Major Taiwanese telco provider Chunghwa Telecom said it is diversifying its business towards providing solutions on traffic management, and setting up a smart industrial park through AI and 5G technologies.

“We are no longer a traditional telecom company today. We want to show our innovative solutions combining technologies like AI, big data, cloud and data centers, 5G,” Chunghwa Telecom senior executive vice president and chief financial officer Vincent Chen told reporters during the 5G + AI Solution Expo Tour held at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center last March 20.

“By presenting these innovations, we want to show that we are diversifying ourselves from our core identity as a telecom provider,” he added.

The company’s exhibition area featured a realistic city model as part of their smart transportation solutions. The model demonstrates cellular vehicle-probe data collected over mobile networks with telecom big data, enabling traffic analysis such as travel time, traffic flow trends, route selection, and review of road signal planning. This supports local governments in developing strategies for traffic management and transportation planning.

A cellular-based vehicle probe leverages existing cellular network infrastructure to gather traffic data from vehicles. It uses smartphones and other mobile devices on the road to anonymously track their movements and estimate traffic solutions.

Meanwhile, Chunghwa Telecom’s smart industrial park solutions utilizes its 5G network infrastructure to enable high-bandwidth applications like real-time data transfer, machine control, and remote monitoring.

The 5G technology can be used for various applications such as monitoring the temperature, humidity and lighting of buildings; telemedicine; real-time monitoring of traffic conditions in major roads; tracking of delivery of goods and services of factories and other enterprises, among others.

For its part, Acer ITS Inc., a subsidiary of Acer Group, showcased its smart roadside parking system utilizing sensors embedded in parking spaces to detect if there are spots occupied by vehicles. Drivers using their mobile apps can monitor parking slots that are available and can reserve a slot and pay for the parking through the apps.

SMART PARKING SYSTEM. Acer ITS Inc., a subsidiary of Acer Group, exhibits its smart roadside parking system that uses sensors to enable drivers to monitor available parking slots, reserve a slot, and pay for their parking fees through their mobile apps. The system seeks to reduce the time for drivers to look for parking slots, increase parking space availability, ensure efficient payment of parking fees, and provide data for efficient traffic management.  (PNA photo by Aerol John Pateña)

The smart roadside parking solutions seek to reduce time for drivers to look for parking slots, increase parking space availability, ensure efficient payment of parking fees and provide data for efficient traffic management.

Meanwhile, Far EasTone Telecommunications’ exhibit on smart energy featured complete energy systems equipped with electricity meters and environment sensors to generate power usage analysis and provide recommendations for saving power.

This enables renewable energy facilities to save electricity automatically, allowing users to quickly grasp energy usage statuses for adjustment and efficient control.

On the other hand, Taiwan Secom Company Ltd. provides a wide range of security services from residential to commercial applications.

Some of these offerings include CCTV monitoring; fire alarms and other fire safety equipment; electronic locks and smart appliances.

The company likewise offers property management for residential and commercial buildings as well as designing and implementing security systems for hospitals, schools and other large buildings.

The Taiwan Web Service Corporation provides access to an AI High Performance Computing Supercomputer, allowing enterprises to create important AI tasks without needing their own infrastructure.

The firm offers cloud storage and computing resources that can be used to build and deploy AI applications. It has likewise developed a large language model called ‘Formosa Foundation Model’ specifically for Traditional Chinese language which can be used for various tasks such as text generation and semantic understanding.

The 5G + AI Solution Expo Tour intended to present Taiwan’s widespread application of emerging technologies such as 5G and Artificial Intelligence of Things as it is already a part of the global AI hardware supply chain.

"AI Everywhere! The omnipresence of AI is the most important feature of this year's exhibition,” Charles Y.P. Huang, deputy secretary-general of the Taipei Computer Association said.

The SCSE provides Taiwan the platform to promote its diverse range of smart city and net-zero city initiatives as it transforms into a tech island. (PNA)