NEW EQUIPMENT. Police Regional Office 6 director Brig. Gen. Jack Wanky leads the turnover of vehicles and various equipment to police units at Camp Martin Delgado on Thursday (April 11, 2024). Wanky urged the recipients to take care of the equipment so they can reach their service lifetime. (PNA photo by PGLena)

ILOILO CITY – Western Visayas’ top cop on Thursday reminded police officers in the region against the use of mobile phones, one of the marching orders of the chief of the Philippine National Police, Gen. Rommel Francisco Marbil.

In an interview, Police Regional Office 6 director Brig. Gen. Jack Wanky said he directed the office of the deputy regional director for administration and the command group to augment personnel at the Regional Internal Affairs Service (RIAS) to inspect and ensure police officers are doing their job.

“How can you do your job if you always focus on your cell phone? We will investigate to determine whether or not it is official once we catch them using cellphones while on duty,” he said.

Wanky said RIAS was tasked to check if police officers are doing well in their job or if they have violations.

He warned all members of the PNP in the region to stay alert.

“We should always aim that our performance for today should be an improvement of our performance yesterday,” he said.

Meanwhile, Wanky turned over close to PHP1 million worth of vehicles and equipment to the Malay Police Station and the Antique Police Provincial Office in a ceremony at the regional headquarters at Camp Martin Delgado in Iloilo City.

The list included a 4x2 patrol jeepney for Malay MPS, and 21 autogated night vision goggles, three generator sets, 236 tactical vests, 36 tires, 800 raincoats, among others.

“Let us use these judiciously so they will serve their lifetime purpose. There is a standard procedure for taking care of equipment, so it’s up to commanders on the ground to supervise their people to utilize the equipment judiciously,” Wanky said. (PNA)