FAMILY FEUD. Villagers view the remains of two of the four members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) slain in an ambush in Shariff Aguak, Maguindanao del Sur on Sunday (April 14, 2024). Police said the ambush could be tied to a long-standing family feud between the attackers and the victims. (Photo courtesy of Shariff Aguak MPS)

SHARIFF AGUAK, Maguindanao del Sur – Four members of Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) were killed in an ambush Sunday by unidentified gunmen in Barangay Satan here, police said.

In an interview Monday, Lt. Colonel Reggie Albellera, municipal acting police chief, said the victims were on board two separate motorbikes on their way to nearby Datu Hoffer town at 8:30 a.m. when ambushed by gunmen positioned on both sides of the road in Sitio Dimabilis.

“The victims whose identities are still being determined were MILF members from Barangay Dapiawan, Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao del Sur,” Albellera said.

He said the victims were members of the MILF 118th base command, based on information from local MILF leaders.

Following the incident, the police official said Barangay Satan chairperson Datukon Malaguial urged the police to coordinate with the Philippine Army before entering the village due to the presence of the extremist Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters in the ambush site.

Initial police investigation showed that the victims had been embroiled in a feud with another clan in the area.

All the victims were immediately taken by their families and buried according to Islamic rites. (PNA)