Google map of Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao del Norte.

COTABATO CITY – Police teams are hunting down two gunmen behind the ambush slaying of a mid-level lady executive of the Ministry of Social Services and Development in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (MSSD-BARMM) on Wednesday night in Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao del Norte.

In a radio interview Thursday, Colonel Salman Sapal, the provincial police director, identified the victim as Christhia Angela Aragoncillio, 28, the logistics management officer of the Maguindanao del Norte Provincial Social Welfare Office and a resident of this city.

“Aragoncillo died on the spot from multiple gunshot wounds,” he said of the victim, who was driving her sports utility vehicle (SUV) when ambushed together with two other MSSD female employees.

Another employee aboard the vehicle was slightly injured, while the third was unharmed.
Sapal said three employees left the compound in Barangay Semba, Datu Odin Sinsuat, on board the SUV at about 6 p.m., and when they reached Barangay Broce, were ambushed by the gunmen aboard a motorbike.

“Most probably, the ambush was related to the victim’s job at MSSD-Maguindanao Norte. The attackers were targeting the car driver (Aragoncillo),” he said.

Police found eight empty .45-caliber pistol shells at the crime scene.

“I appeal to anyone who has information about the incident to help the police bring justice to the victim. If our people, or witnesses, continue to refuse to help, more similar incidents will happen in the future,” Sapal said. (PNA)